Sevakeen Country Club Ground Rules and By Laws

Ground Rules





1.1. Any person damaging club property will be required to restore the damaged property. Members are responsible for any damage done by their guests. Members are responsible for leaving club facilities used in an orderly condition; the failure to do so will make member liable for clean-up cost.

1.2. The Sevakeen Country Club will not be responsible for any private property on the clubs grounds that are stolen, broken, or lost. However, the club will use its best efforts to protect private property.

1.3. Members, their families, and their guests, who use the club property and ground, do so at their own risk.

1.4. There shall be no intoxicating liquors brought or used upon common ground. No intoxicated person shall be permitted to remain on the ground. Profane or indecent language or lewd conduct is absolutely prohibited.

1.5. The use of firearms will be prohibited on the club grounds.

1.6. Campsites for members will be provided only upon written request to the board and approval of the Grounds Committee.

1.7. Vending of food or merchandise on the club grounds may be done only on the approval of the board.

1.8. No outside burning on club grounds is allowed from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

1.9. Members may use the club grounds, except for the clubhouse or a facility that has been previously reserved, for picnics, parties, etc., without charge. No private gatherings of more than 25 persons are permitted on Holidays.

1.10. Members may rent and reserve the use of the clubhouse or a pavilion for private parties; only 1 pavilion will be available for rental.  Club activities will supersede all rental requests. The facility is to be rented and used for a member’s activity only.  Written request to rent a facility is to be made to the Secretary stating the date, purpose and approximate number of guests. Upon approval of the Secretary, a rental agreement must be signed and the rental fee paid in advance, to reserve the facility.  The board will set rental fees.  This rental does not include the use of other club facilities, such as swimming pool or tennis courts.  If the use of other facilities is desired the current fee schedule for usage will apply.  Members renting the facility shall be responsible for clean-up of the facility, for full compliance of all club By-Laws and ground rules by their guests, and any damage to club property other than normal wear.  No items, including tables and chairs, shall be removed from a facility except for club functions.

1.11. No pets, whether a member’s or guests, will be allowed to run at large at any time on club property. (This includes cats). All pets (including cats) must be on a leash at any time they are off their owner’s lot. No pets are allowed in the pool area at any time. Pet owners are expected to clean up after their pets.  Owner must control noisy or unruly pets.  A detailed complaint, made in writing and signed by a member, should be given to a member of the board.  If the board deems the complaint to be justifiable the following actions may be taken:

1.11.1. For first complaint, the board of directors will issue a written warning to the pet owner.

1.11.2. Receipt of a second complaint will result in the club member being requested to appear before the board of directors to show just cause why the pet should not be removed from the club.

1.12. Keeping of livestock or poultry shall be prohibited on club grounds.

1.13. The dumping of garbage, tin cans or refuse on club grounds are prohibited.

1.14. The use and sale of fireworks will not be tolerated on club grounds; however, sparklers and cap guns are permissible.  The use of fireworks, etc., on the club grounds will result in a penalty to be determined at the discretion of the board.

1.15. No motor homes, campers, travel trailers, or mobile homes shall remain on club property over 48 hours except in a special case where written permission has been obtained from the Board. The Board  will designate parking area.

1.16. Members, with the approval of the grounds committee, may use metal detectors on the club grounds.

1.17. The various committees will post additional rules related to usage of the club facilities in appropriate                    areas. It is the responsibility of  members and guests using the facility to be aware of these rules.

1.18. The swimming committee will post additional rules related to usage of the pool in the swimming pool   area. It is the responsibility of members and guests using the facility to be aware of these rules.

2. Tennis Court.

2.1. The courts will be closed from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM.

2.2. No bicycles, skateboards, tricycles or roller skates are permitted on tennis courts. These courts are for tennis only.

2.3. Only tennis or basketball shoes permitted on the court.

2.4. All play shall be rotation. No players may occupy any court more than one period if players are waiting, unless by special permit granted by the Tennis Committee. Periods will be for one hour for singles and 1-1/2 hours for doubles.

2.5. All arrangements for usage of the courts for special matches, tournaments, or games must be made with the Tennis Committee.

2.6. The Tennis Committee will post additional rules related to usage of the courts in the tennis court area. It is the responsibility of members and guests using the facility to be aware of these rules.

3. Lake.

3.1. Motorboats are permitted on the lake from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Gasoline motors  shall be limited to 6 HP.

3.2. Fishing season is open unless otherwise posted.

3.3. A penalty plus cost of removal will be assessed against all boat owners who leave boats in the water after November 1.

3.4. Boat docks may be constructed upon the recommendation and approval of the Board and Lake Committee.

3.5. Swimming in either lake is prohibited at all times.

3.6. All boats, canoes, etc., shall be registered at the club office and given an identification number.

3.7 All boats, canoes, etc., maintained at lake side shall be stored above the established high water mark or securely fastened to a tree, post, or other immoveable object using 3/8” polypropylene or nylon rope or 1/8” steel cable or better.  A cable line will be provided at the paddle boat dock area.

3.8. It is the boat owner’s responsibility to make sure that their boat is secured at all times that it is not in use.  Any boats found to be not secure will be transported to a safe location and the owner notified.

3.9. Repeat offenses will be subject to a fine.

3.10. The lake committee will post additional rules related to usage of the lake in the lake area.  It is the

responsibility of members and guests using the lake to be aware of these rules.


4. Swimming Pool.

4.1. The pool will be closed from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM.

4.2. Members and guests in the pool area must obey all orders issued by the lifeguard on duty.

4.3. A swimming tag system is used to help our lifeguards and swimming committee protect the rights of members and guests against trespassers.

4.4. Everyone six years of age, when in the pool area and in bathing suit must wear a swim tag that is visible for inspection by the lifeguard.

4.5. Member tags will be issued to members, and their dependents as previously defined, at no charge.

4.6. Each member will be issued two (2) guest tags, at no charge, each year.

4.7. Additional guests will be identified by use of a stamp or wrist band approved by the board,  issued at the stand on a daily basis.  The board of directors will determine deposits required and fees charged.

4.8. Only the person to whom the tag is issued, with the exception of the season guest tags can use the assigned tag.

5. Vehicles

5.1. Please obey speed limit, stop signs, and directional signs as they are posted for safety reasons.

5.2. All vehicles that do not carry current license plates or are not in operable condition must be housed in a garage or be removed from club property within 30 days after becoming other than a fully operable vehicle.

5.3. Small motorized vehicle rules.

5.3.1. These rules are meant to apply to all forms of low speed recreational vehicles including golf carts, all-terrain vehicles (ATV), dune buggies, snowmobiles, dirt bikes and any other motorized land vehicle designed for recreational use off public roads.

5.3.2. Owners of vehicles that will be used on club grounds must register their vehicle (s)  and provide proof of liability insurance to the club office each year.  Each vehicle must display the registration number assigned by the club.

5.3.3. All drivers of this type of vehicle should be familiar with the related by-laws.  A driver’s parent and/or the vehicle owner shall assume full responsibility for such operation.

5.3.4. These vehicles may not be used on Sunday or holidays, except for transportation to and from designated area.  The restriction shall apply Memorial Day through Labor Day.

5.3.5. The minimum age for the driver shall be 12 years of age.

5.3.6. All traffic regulations must be obeyed including, yielding to pedestrians, observing stop signs, and maximum speed limit of 15 M.P.H. on the spillway.

5.3.7. The number of seats determines the number of passengers; one passenger per seat. NO ONE should be standing on a moving vehicle.

5.3.8. Only vehicles equipped with headlights and taillights may be operated after dark.

5.3.9. Vehicles must stay on hard surfaced roads or designated areas.

5.3.10. Continuous circling or cruising of any area shall be strictly prohibited.

5.3.11. Vehicle owners are responsible to ensure that their vehicle is in good operating condition including, without limitation, adequate brakes, reliable steering apparatus, safe tires, and that a slow moving vehicle sign or flag is attached.

5.3.12. Penalties for improper usage shall be imposed as the Board of Directors see fit.

Sevakeen Country Club By Laws


1.1. The name of the organization shall be SEVAKEEN COUNTRY CLUB.



2.1. The board of directors shall determine the number of members permitted.


2.2. There are three types of membership. Only natural persons may be members.

2.2.1. A Full Membership may be granted to a person for an indefinite period and is the primary type of membership. A person will be granted Full Membership upon successful completion of the application process: Submission of a proper application to the board, A representative of the board will investigate the prospective member, conduct an interview, and make a report to the board, The prospective member must receive an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the board, An initiation fee, as set by the board, must be paid within 30 days of acceptance, The payment of dues, as set by the board, for the current year must be received within 60 days of acceptance. A Full Member shall have all club privileges including the right to a single vote at membership meetings.

2.2.2. A Social Membership may be granted to a person for a period of 30 days, for the express purpose of allowing a non-member to occupy the facility of a Full Member. The Social Membership is an extension of the membership of the Full Member and the actions of the Social Member are the sole responsibility of the Full Member. A person will be granted Social Membership upon successful completion of the application process A minimum of 30 days prior to the date the membership is desired to commence, a Full Member must make a submission of a proper application, in the name of the prospective member, to the board, A representative of the board will investigate the prospective member, conduct an interview, and make a report to the board, The prospective member must receive an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the board, A Social Membership fee, as set by the board, must be paid before any facility may be occupied. A Social Membership may be renewed by completing the original application process. A Social Member shall have all club privileges except for voting and guest privileges.

2.2.3. Junior Member. A Junior Membership may be granted to a person between the ages of 13 and 20 inclusive for a period ending December 31st each year. A person will be granted Junior Membership upon completion of the following application process: Submission of a proper application to the board, The prospective member must receive an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the board, The payment of Junior Member dues for the current year, as defined by the board. A Junior Member shall have all club privileges with guest privileges limited to one (1) guest at a time, and no voting privileges.


2.3. Transfer of Membership. Full Memberships are transferable to a spouse upon written request of the member, or by a legal court order. In the case of legal separation, divorce or dissolution of marriage of a member, the spouse not retaining the membership will be granted Full Membership upon completion of the application process, except that the investigation, interview, and the initiation fee will not be required. No other memberships are transferable.


2.4. Definition of a Member. The privileges of membership are allowed to members in good standing, their spouses, and their dependents. Dependents are determined in accordance with I.R.S. guidelines.


2.5. Revocation/reinstatement of Membership. The board shall have the authority to revoke or reinstate a membership upon an affirmative vote of two-thirds the board. The board may make reinstatement contingent on compliance with all by laws and any other directives of the Board.


2.6. List of Members. The secretary-treasurer shall post a complete list of members in good standing as of June 1 annually by that date.


2.7. Voting Privileges. Only Full Members in good standing may vote at any general membership meeting of the club. In the absence of the member, the spouse may vote. Only one vote per membership is permitted.


2.8. In the event that an entity that is not a natural person acquires an ownership interest in any structure located on the grounds of Sevakeen Country Club, said entity may, upon majority vote of the board of directors, be permitted to maintain said ownership interest for the limited purpose of reselling its interest to a natural person, and no other, upon payment of any past due and owing obligations of the member formerly owning said structure and the ongoing payment of an amount equal to the dues, rents, taxes and assessments that would be payable if a member held such interest.



3.1. A member (other than a Social Member) shall have the privilege of inviting Guests to use the facilities of the club. The membership holder is responsible for the actions of their guests. Any person who is not a member or the guest of a member may be prosecuted as a trespasser.


3.2. The membership holder or a member of their immediate family must be present at the club whenever a guest is using any club facilities.


3.3. A leaseholder who has guests living at their facility for more than 14 days must provide an explanation to the board to show reason why the guest should not apply for separate membership.


3.4. As a convenience to our members, unaccompanied guests occupying a member’s facility for less than 72 consecutive hours will be exempt from the requirements of obtaining a social membership.



4.1. The board of directors shall determine the annual fees for all classes of Membership. The Board of Directors may establish assessments as needed for major capital improvements.


4.2. The annual dues shall be payable in two (2) equal payments due January 1 and April 1 of each year.  Assessments shall be paid in two (2) equal payments due July 1 and October 1 of each year.


4.3. New members granted membership before Labor Day shall pay the full annual dues for the year. If membership is granted after Labor Day the member shall pay 1/4th the annual dues and assessments for the year.


4.4. Any member who has not paid the annual dues and the previous year’s assessments in full on or before April 1 shall be suspended from the Club and shall be denied any privileges of membership. The Secretary will notify the member of their suspension, in writing. Any member not reinstated by the board prior to June 1 shall be dropped as a member. The Secretary will notify the member of their removal, in writing, at this time.



5.1. The annual meeting of the membership shall be held during the month of August.


5.2. Special meetings of the membership may be called by the president or on written request of one-third of the members, or by a request of the majority of the board members.


5.3. The President shall provide written notice to members at least 10 days prior to the date of a meeting specifying date, time, location, and purpose of the meeting. Roberts Parliamentary Rules shall govern except as herein set forth.


5.4. Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum. If no quorum is present, the presiding officer may adjourn the meeting to a later date and designate the next meeting place.


5.5. Only motions that have been placed on the Agenda prior to the members’ meeting may be brought to a vote. Comments from members will be forwarded to the appropriate committee for further consideration.


5.6. The Order of Business at the Annual meeting will be:

5.6.1. Reading of minutes of the previous meeting.

5.6.2. Election of new members to the board

5.6.3. Reports of officers and committees.

5.6.4. Motions, resolutions and miscellaneous business.

5.6.5. Motion for Adjournment


5.7. If more than one person is nominated per seat, elections shall be by written ballot. Nominees receiving the greatest number of all votes cast shall be declared elected by the President. In the event of a tie vote, another vote shall be taken to break the deadlock between the candidates who tied.



6.1. The board of directors shall consist of nine (9members, with three (3) elected each year for three-year terms, on a rotating basis. The nominating committee will present a slate of candidates for election to the board, after which nominations may also be made from the floor. If the nominee accepts the nomination the name will be included as a write in candidate.


6.2. The regular meetings of the board shall be held on the second Sunday of the month, with no less than eight (8) regular meetings in a calendar year. Regular meetings may be moved at the discretion of the President. Notice of any change will be made to the members a week prior to the meeting.


6.3. Special meetings of the board may be called by the president, or on written request of one-third of the directors.


6.4. A reasonable attempt shall be made by an officer of the club to notify each member of the board of any non-scheduled meeting, at least two (2) days prior to such meeting. Specifying date, time, location, and purpose of  the meeting.


6.5. A majority of current Board members shall constitute a quorum. If no quorum is present, the presiding officer may adjourn the meeting to a later date and designate the next meeting place.


6.6. The business and affairs of the Club shall be conducted under the direction of, and the control and disposal of the clubs properties and funds shall be vested in, its board.


6.7. Financial activity shall be governed by an annual budget as approved or amended by the board. The budget shall be established yearly prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. No Board member shall incur any unbudgeted indebtedness for the organization.


6.8. Any director may resign at any time by giving written notice to the president. If a director is absent from three (3) consecutive meetings, unless excused, his or her office shall become vacant. The minutes shall note any excused absence(s). Any board member may be removed from office for cause, on a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members of the board.


6.9. Any vacancy occurring in the board for any reason may be filled by appointment of the president, with the affirmative concurring vote of a majority of the remaining directors, even if less than a quorum.


6.10. Any action, which may be authorized or taken at a meeting of the directors, may be authorized or taken without a meeting in a writing or writings signed by all of the directors. E-mails may be considered as valid authorizations.  The action shall be filed or entered upon the records of the corporation.




6.11. Indemnification.

6.11.1. Directors and Officers. To the fullest extent not prohibited by applicable law, the Corporation shall indemnify each person against any and all costs and expenses (including attorney fees, judgments, fines, penalties, amounts paid in settlement, and other disbursements) actually and reasonably incurred by or imposed upon such person in connection with any action, suit, investigation or proceeding (or any claim or other matter therein), whether civil, criminal, administrative or otherwise in nature, including any settlements thereof or any appeals therein, with respect to which such person is named or otherwise becomes or is threatened to be made a party by reason of being or at any time having been a director or officer of the Corporation, or by reason of being or at any time having been, while such a director or officer, an employee or other agent of the Corporation, or, at the direction or request of the Corporation, a director, trustee, officer, administrator, manager, employee, member, advisor or other agent of or fiduciary for any other corporation, partnership, trust, venture or other entity or enterprise including any employee benefit plan.

6.11.2. Employees and agents. The Corporation shall indemnify any other person to the extent such person shall be entitled to indemnification under the laws of the State of Ohio by reason of being successful on the merits or otherwise in defense of an action to which such person is named a party by reason of being an employee or other agent of the Corporation, and the Corporation may further indemnify any such person if it is determined on the case by case basis of the Board of Directors that indemnification is proper in the specific case.

6.11.3. General. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these By-Laws, no person shall be indemnified to the extent, if any, it is determined by the Board of Directors or by written opinion of legal counsel designated by the Board of Directors for such purpose that indemnification is contrary to applicable law.


6.12. Insurance:

6.12.1. The Corporation may, as the Board of Directors may direct, purchase and maintain such insurance on behalf of any person who is or at any time has been a director, officer, employee or other agent of or in a similar capacity with the Corporation, or who is or at any time has been, at the direction of request of the Corporation, a director, trustee, officer, administrator, manager, employee, member, advisor or other agent of or fiduciary for any other corporation, partnership, trust, venture or other entity or enterprise including any employee benefit plan against any liability asserted against and incurred by such person.


6.13. Conflict of Interest:

6.13.1. Each director shall have a fiduciary duty of loyalty to the corporation and shall not take any action adverse to the corporation’s financial interest.

6.13.2. Unless otherwise provided in the Articles of Incorporation or these By-Laws. No contract, action, or transaction is void or voidable with respect to the corporation because the contract, action, or transaction is between or affects the corporation and one or more of its directors or officers, or is between or affects the corporation and any other person in which one or more of the corporation’s directors or officers are directors, trustees, or officers, or in which one or more of the corporation’s directors or officers have a financial or personal interest, or because one or more interested directors or officers participate in or vote at the meeting of the directors or a committee of the directors that authorizes the contract, action, or transaction, if any of the following applies: The material facts as to the director’s relationship or interest and as to the contract, action,   

or transaction are disclosed or are known to the directors or the committee, and the directors  or the committee, in good faith reasonably justified by the material facts, authorizes the contract, action, or transaction by the affirmative vote of a majority of the disinterested directors, even though the disinterested directors constitute less than a quorum of the directors or the committee;   The material facts as to the directors relationship or interest and as to the contract, action, or transaction are disclosed or are known to the members entitled to vote on the contract, action, or transaction, and the contract, action, or transaction is specifically approved at a meeting of the members held for the purpose of voting on the contract, action, or transaction, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the voting members of the corporation who are not interested in the contract, action, or transaction; The contract, action, or transaction is fair as to the corporation as of the time it is authorized or approved by the directors, a committee of the directors, or the members.

6.13.3. Common or interested directors may be counted in determining the presence of a quorum at a meeting of the directors, or of a committee of the directors, that authorizes such a contract, action, or transaction.

6.13.4. For purposes of this Section, a director is not an interested director solely because the subject of a contract, action, or transaction may involve or effect a change in control of the corporation or the director’s continuation in office as a director of the corporation.



7.1. A director shall perform the duties as a director, including duties as a member of any committee of the directors upon which he or she may serve, in good faith, in a manner the director reasonably believes to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the corporation, and with the care that an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would use under similar circumstances. In performing the duties, a director is entitled to rely on information, opinions, reports, or statements, including financial statements and other financial data that are prepared or presented by the following:


7.2. One or more directors, officers, or employees of the corporation who the director reasonably believes are reliable and competent in the matters prepared or presented;


7.3. Counsel, public accountants, or other persons as to matters that the director reasonably believes are within the person’s professional or expert competence;


7.4. A committee of the directors upon which the director does not serve, duly established in accordance with a provision of the articles or the regulations, as to matters within its designated authority, which committee the director reasonably believes to merit confidence.


7.5. The Directors shall:

7.5.1. Determine the corporation’s mission and set policies for its operation to establish its general course from year to year;

7.5.2. Serve as fiduciaries and owners of the Club.

7.5.3. Regularly review financial statements, insurance coverage, and asset management, and approve all expenditures and administer the budget.

7.5.4. Ensure funds are properly handled.

7.5.5. Provide adequate resources for the activities of the corporation through fund-raising activities.

7.5.6. Develop and maintain a communication link to the community.

7.5.7. Ensure that the corporation’s Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws are followed and amended as appropriate, and that the activities of the corporation are in accordance with federal, state, and local laws.

7.5.8. Ensure appropriate succession of Directors, and provide new Directors with sufficient orientation to the corporation.



8.1. The officers of the club shall consist of a president, a vice president, and a secretary-treasurer, and such other officers, assistant officers and agents as may be deemed necessary or desirable by the club’s directors or state law. One person may not hold more than one office at a time.  An officer must be a member of the board of directors.


8.2. The officers of the club shall be elected, for a term commencing on election, by the club’s directors at the first meeting of the board held after the annual meeting of the members. Each officer shall hold office for a term of one (1) year or until his or her successor shall have been duly elected or until his or her earlier death, resignation, or removal.


8.3. Compensation of all officers, assistant officers, agents, and employees of the club shall be fixed by the board of directors.


8.4. The officers of the club shall have the authority and shall exercise the powers and perform the duties specified by the president, the board or these By-Laws; except that in any event each officer shall exercise such powers and performs such duties as may be required by law.

8.4.1. The board shall elect a president who, as chief executive officer under its supervision and direction, shall preside at all meetings of the club and the board of directors, shall carry on the general affairs of the club, shall appoint and supervise all committees and sit as a member of each committee.

8.4.2. The board shall elect a vice president who shall assist the president in carrying out the programs of the club. In the absence of the president the vice-president shall have all the authority and duties vested in the president.

8.4.3. The board shall elect a secretary treasurer who shall attend the meetings of the members and of the directors, and shall record the proceedings of the club and of the board at their respective meetings. He or she shall provide for notification of the members and directors of the club of their respective meetings in accordance with these by laws. He or she shall be the custodian of the corporate records. He or she shall be the financial officer of the club and shall receive and deposit in a bank or banks to be approved by the board all the monies of the club and keep an accurate account thereof. He or she shall make disbursements subject to such regulations as may be determined from time to time by the board of directors, and shall make reports of the finances of the club annually and whenever requested by the board or the president. He or she shall perform such other duties as may be required by these By-Laws or as may be assigned by the board or the president. At the end of his or her term of office, the secretary treasurer shall deliver to his or her successor all books, monies, and other property of the club then in his or her possession.



9.1. The board of directors will grant all lot leases and reserve the right to cancel any lot lease, for cause, at any time. This action may only take place at a meeting of the board, no less than thirty (30) days after having given notification by certified mail to the leaseholder stating the time and location of the meeting and requesting their attendance.


9.2. A member in good standing may lease only ONE lot at any one time.


9.3. Only members, their spouse, and their dependents as per IRS guidelines may reside in a cottage or home at one time.


9.4. The leaseholder has the right to surrender the lease at any time and remove all structures from the grounds providing all claims for taxes, assessments, etc., are satisfied and the grounds are left in a level condition.


9.5. If a leaseholder surrenders their lease or the board cancels the lease, the leaseholder has six months to remove all structures from the grounds. Failure to do so forfeit title to the structures to the Club and the board of directors may then dispose of them as they see fit.


9.6. The annual lot lease fee shall be payable in two (2) equal payments due January 1 and April 1 of each year. Non-payment of lease rental by April 1st automatically cancels the lease and it can only be reinstated by the vote of the board. Reinstatement is subject to a reinstatement fee as set by the board.


9.7. Lot leases can be transferred only on the approval of the board, and are subject to a transfer fee as set by the board. The seller must be in good standing and is responsible for payment of the transfer fee, as well as having all fees and assessments brought up to date of transfer. No transfer fee will be assessed in the case of transfer to a spouse or upon leasing of lot directly from the board.


9.8. All leaseholders are required to keep their lots clean of weeds and rubbish. If a leaseholder violates this section, and after proper notice, the board of directors may clean the lot and charge an assessment to the leaseholder for each such cleaning. If the property is not properly maintained the board of directors will take action as deemed necessary to insure the health and safety of the membership.


9.9. All cottages or homes must display their house number prominently.


9.10. No cottage, home, storage sheds, or electronic receiving systems or structure of any type  shall be built, exterior remodeled, erected or moved onto any club lot or common ground until plans, location, and sanitation be approved by the Building Committee and board. No further cottages shall be built or converted for year round homes without specific approval of the board. All construction approved by the board of directors must be completed within 90 days unless such time has been extended by the board. Any lot leased must be built upon within two (2) years of lease signing.


9.11. Cottages or homes may be loaned, rented or leased, subject to approval of the board. The leaseholder must annually apply to, and receive permission from, the board of directors to allow their property to be used in such a manner. If the person that will occupy the facility is not a member of Sevakeen Country Club the lease holder must submit an application, and receive board of directors approval, for a social membership in the name of the non-member, no less than 30 days prior to the start of the agreement. The facility is not to be occupied without a certificate of acceptance as a social member as issued by the board, with all fees paid in full. The social membership is subject to all conditions as previously defined.


9.12. All members owning a home or cottage on the grounds of Sevakeen Country Club shall grant a security interest in such structure owned by them, together with a security interest in the contents thereof, to secure payment of all obligations of the member to Sevakeen Country Club. Sevakeen Country Club shall be entitled to perfect the security interest so granted upon failure of such member, after 10 day’s notice, to (1) pay the amounts assessed under Sections 4.4 and 9.6 of these By-Laws or (2) if such member becomes delinquent in payment of any obligation owed on the structure and secured by a lien on said structure.



10.1. The President must be notified in writing before placing a home or cottage up for sale.


10.2. A home or cottage may be sold only to a member of Sevakeen Country Club. An owner or the owner’s real estate agent cannot complete a transaction prior to approval of the prospective member by the board. Membership in Sevakeen Country Club is not automatic with the purchase of a home or cottage and the prospective member must comply with the standard membership procedure.


10.3. For the term of any contracted sales agreement both seller and buyer must maintain membership and be in good standing.


10.4. Real estate signage may only be placed on the lot containing the structure.


10.5. All conditions, as pertaining to cottages and lot leases as previously defined will be adhered to.


10.6.  No lot shall be transferred until a meeting has been held by both seller and buyer with the club President (or his designate) and all water and sewer systems have been determined to be in compliance with board of directors rules and record of such shall be included with lot transfer documents.


10.7. The board shall determine the lines of occupation for lots not previously marked.



11.1. Cottage owners must abide by regulations pertaining to sewage and drainage as instructed by the Sanitation Committee. A minimum of every three (3) years, all septic tanks must be pumped by a licensed hauler and all aeration systems must be serviced on an annual basis.  A copy of the pumping receipt shall be turned into the club secretary. All leaseholders are required to correct any violation of sanitary standards when required and in the time allotted by the Sanitation Committee.


11.2. Failure on the part of any leaseholders  to comply with the written request of the Sanitation Committee covering repair, replacement or correction within the specific time allotted shall be cause for cancellation of the owner’s lot lease by the board.



12.1. The board of directors shall be the court to hear all complaints and is the final judge of violations of ground rules, regulations, and By-Laws. It may impose penalties as it sees fit, even to suspension from membership.


12.2. A member may register a complaint with the board of directors by submitting a signed detailed description of the complaint to any member of the board. Any complaints received by a member of the board of directors will be presented to the board of directors at the next scheduled meeting.



13.1. These By-Laws, ground rules and regulations may be amended, repealed or new ones adopted by either of two methods:

13.1.1. A two-thirds vote for approval by the Directors present at a meeting of the board, when written notice has been given each member of the board of directors explaining the purpose of the meeting.

13.1.2. A two-thirds vote for approval by the members present at a meeting of the membership, when written notice has been given each member of the club explaining the purpose of the meeting.



14.1. The revised By-Laws shall be effective as of April 13, 2013 and shall supersede all previous By-laws